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Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 Mammoth Book Challenge

Welcome to the 2013 Mammoth Book Challenge hosted by Darlene's Book Nook!

There are a couple of other challenges involving "mammoth-size" books, but I could not find any other challenge that allowed audiobooks. So, I created my own challenge! 

Please read below for the challenge guidelines, because mine is a little different than what is out there!

2013 Mammoth Book Challenge

Here are the challenge details:

1. This challenge will run from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.

2. You can join the challenge at any time. All books read in 2013 count for the challenge, regardless of when you sign up.

3. This challenge can cross-over to your other reading challenges.

4. You do not need a blog to participate! If you are not a blogger, you can post your reviews at Goodreads, Shelfari, or LibraryThing and link them up here.

5. All formats of books are acceptable: Bound copies, e-books, and audiobooks as long as they meet the guidelines of Point #6 below!

6. Important Information About E-books and Audiobooks: If you are using an e-book or audiobook for the challenge, the bound format equivalent must be a minimum of 450 pages. Only unabridged audiobooks will count!

7. Both adult and children's literature are allowed: As long as it meets the minimum page count of 450 pages.

8. About large-print books: Same rules apply as noted in Point #6. As long as the regular-bound format equivalent is a minimum of 450 pages, this format will count.

9. No anthologies, short story collections, or poetry: Just novels.

10. There are four levels for the challenge:

a. Walrus: Read 3 mammoth-sized books.
b. Hippopotamus: Read 6 mammoth-sized books.
c. White Rhinoceros: Read 9 mammoth-sized books.
d. African Elephant: Read 12 or more mammoth-sized books.

11. When you write your sign-up post, you must choose your level. You can go up, but you cannot go down!

12. There will be a link-up for your reviews, which will be posted on THIS page.

13. There will be a link for your wrap-up post at the end of the year.

14. Create a sign-up post and link back to this post. Sign up with Mister Linky below! Be sure to use the direct url to your sign-up post and not the url to your blog.

15. Grab the challenge button and post it in your sidebar. Copy and paste this HTML code into an HTML gadget for your sidebar: <a href=""><img alt="2013 Mammoth Book Challenge" src="" width="190" /></a>

Sign-up below if you wish to join me in the challenge!


  1. Yay! I've never joined the challenges like this because they didn't count audiobooks and ebooks. I mostly read paperbacks anyway, but it's the principle of the thing! :)

    1. I know, LOL! I get really miffed when challenges don't include e-books or audiobooks, like they don't count!! They are equally valid, in my opinion!

  2. I love to read big books! Sign me up for Walrus, but I'll probably read more than 3. I posted about this challenge on my blog.

  3. I went ahead and sign up for 12. Don't think I'll read that many but you never know. Love the level names! Thanks for hosting

  4. I'm aiming for Walrus this year. Thanks for hosting. :3


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