If you are an author or a publisher and would like me to review a book, please contact me at darlenesbooknook@gmail.com.
I would be pleased to promote your book by offering a giveaway on my blog. I would also be happy to feature a guest post by the author or interview the author. I generally prefer to wait to do so until after I have read your book.
UPDATE 2016: I am only accepting audiobooks for review at this time.
UPDATE 2016: I am only accepting audiobooks for review at this time.
UPDATE: Even though I now have an iPad, I am no longer accepting e-books from authors. I will continue to accept e-books from NetGalley and for book tours. I have become flooded with e-books for review, and I have realized the following:
(a) It is not convenient for me to read in this format; and
(b) I simply cannot keep up with all the requests that I receive.
I will accept only bound copies for review.
My review queue is first come, first served. The date that I receive the book is the date that it gets into my review queue. If it takes two months for your book to arrive by mail, it goes into the queue from the date that it was received and not the date that it was accepted by me for review. This is only to be fair to the authors and publishers that send books to me by courier. Therefore, your book may not be reviewed by the date that I originally advised because of the duration of time it took to receive the book.
I love audiobooks and can accept those for review as well. In fact, I wish I could receive more! Listening to an audiobook enables me to multi-task, and it is my preferred format for reading! If you are an audiobook publisher, please feel free to contact me! I would love to hear from you!!
My genres of interest are paranormal, suspense/thriller, mystery, young adult, horror, urban fantasy, fantasy, romantic suspense, mainstream fiction, and juvenile fiction (which I will read aloud to my children).
Accepting a book for review does not guarantee that my review will be positive. I can only post fair and honest reviews which I feel will be helpful to readers. I do not receive compensation for my reviews.
The review will include the book cover, author’s and illustrator’s names, publication details (name of publisher and date of publication), number of pages, format (paperback or audiobook), genre, ISBN, synopsis from Goodreads, my review, and my rating. If the book is juvenile fiction that I have read with my children, I will also include their thoughts. I will also disclose that I received the book in exchange for an honest review. To get an idea of how I structure my reviews, please take a look at reviews posted on my blog.
I will post my review on my blog, Amazon (Canadian and US sites), Chapters Indigo, and Goodreads. I can post the review on additional sites upon request. I will email the links to the reviews after they are posted.