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Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 1st In A Series Challenge

Welcome to the 2013 1st In A Series Challenge hosted by Darlene's Book Nook!

This challenge was formerly hosted by Katy at A Few More Pages. I contacted Katy to find out whether she would be hosting the challenge for 2013, and I did not receive any response. Her Twitter page says that she is "on hiatus," so I have taken the liberty of hosting the challenge myself!

Update: On January 14, 2013, I was contacted by Katy who informed me that she would love to have me take over the challenge. Thanks so much for your blessing, Katy!

Do you love to read books in a series? If you are like me, you get excited when a new series gets published! I am always on the look-out for the next great series that I can devour.

Please read below for the challenge guidelines:

2013 1st In A Series Challenge

Here are the challenge details:

1. This challenge will run from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.

2. You can join the challenge at any time. All books read during the challenge period count for the challenge, regardless of when you sign up.

3. This challenge can cross-over to your other reading challenges.

4. You do not need a blog to participate! If you are not a blogger, you can post your reviews at Goodreads, Shelfari, or LibraryThing and link them up here.

5. All formats of books are acceptable: Bound copies, e-books, and audiobooks (unabridged only). 

6. There are four levels for the challenge:

a. Series Novice: Read 5 books that are first in a series.
b. Series Lover: Read 10 books that are first in a series.
c. Series Expert: Read 20 books that are first in a series.
d. Series Fanatic: Read 30 books that are first in a series.

7. When you write your sign-up post, you must choose your level. You can go up, but you cannot go down!

8. There will be a link-up for your reviews, which will be posted on THIS page.

9. There will be a link for your wrap-up post at the end of the challenge, which will be posted on THIS page. 

10. Create a sign-up post and link back to this post. Sign up with Mister Linky below! Be sure to use the direct url to your sign-up post and not the url to your blog.

11. Grab the challenge button and post it in your sidebar. Copy and paste this HTML code into an HTML gadget for your sidebar: <a href=""><img alt="2013 1st In A Series Challenge" src="" width="190" /></a>

Sign-up below if you wish to join me in the challenge!


  1. Yay! I'm so happy someone is hosting this challenge for 2013. This is one of my favorites, you've made my night Darlene!

    1. Glad to hear it, Jessie! I really love this one, too :)

  2. I am on board too! It is the year of reading dangerously for me!

  3. Ah Darlene, it's about time we meet. Frequently when I enter reviews at these events, there you are. We're clearly both fans of books who like to share the interest publicly! I'll join First & Seconds when I have time for sign-up posts.

    One thing we need is hosts breaking up the Jan-Dec traffic jam. At Christmas my mind was on finishing these and I dragged myself away for new year's at 6:00PM! Please help spread the word to hosts: there's no reason groups can't run Feb-Feb, Mar-Mar....

    1. It would be great to have you, C.M.

      I currently host two challenges that run April-April, but I prefer the traditional Jan-Dec. I like the idea of starting my challenges fresh with each year. Plus, if you are like me and join tons of challenges, it is harder to keep track of finish dates for the challenges when they are all ending at different times.

      I like the whole slew of challenges that come at the end of each year! It's like Christmas ;)

  4. Ooo, no, cramming books & reviews, slogging through websites to enter everything effected my Christmas because I do tons. :( New year's, my poor fiancé waited as I struggled with one person's linky (I'm on dial-up)! I remember easily which are different - perhaps being few! LOL I also do a notepad doc for each with URLS, info, and books I have that might fit.

    I'm glad you like it and accept when yours run. :) We still need to spread the suggestion out there so someone else breaks up this many at once. I'm tempted to peek at your April circles! Nice to meet you at last, Darlene.

    1. I know, LOL! I'm guilty of the same. I hate doing all the year-end Wrap-up posts at New Year's. I also wrote a ton of reviews between Christmas and New Year's. I'm thinking that I need to be better organized this year so that I'm not having to cram a bunch of reviews in at year-end.

      Nice to meet you, too! The two challenges that are ending in April are the Patricia Briggs and the Kelley Armstrong YA ones. You can find them on this link:

  5. Hey Darlene, I thought of an addendum to your fresh version. I once asked 'Katy' about it but like other hosts, no replies.

    You know how "Seconds" also includes second time we've read someone; not necessarily about series placement? I love the way that leaves it open for gems that might not go anywhere else. Why don't we tailor "Firsts" to match that option?

    1. Hi, CM. There are already a number of New Author and First Reads challenges (I'm participating in 2 of them) for discovering new authors, and I want to keep this challenge about discovering a new series.

  6. I will go with series lover, five firsts

  7. Replies
    1. Excellent, Eva! Great to have you with us!

    2. Eva, I didn't see that you signed up in the linky above. Please do so. You don't need to link to a blog if you don't have one. You can link to wherever you will post your reviews, such as Goodreads or Shelfari or LibraryThing.

  8. Hi Darlene! Thank you for hosting this reading challenge. I'll go with Series Novice

  9. I'm so glad someone is hosting this challenge again in 2013! I'm in!

  10. Participating in my first challenge!

  11. I just joined in! Aiming for 10 books! Yay!

    Julie @ Books and Insomnia

  12. Just signed up! I know, I am WAY late, but I am doing this :)

    1. Great to have you, Kayla! There's no such thing as late! You can jump in anytime!!

  13. Thank you for hosting this reading challenge!
    I just joined in!


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