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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Comparisons - Yeah or Nay?

This is a weekly meme hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings. Each week, they post a new question. Everyone is welcome to join!

Are you more/less inclined to read books that are compared to other popular books or authors?

Yes and no.

On the one hand, when a book is described as being "the next Harry Potter" or some other ridiculous comparison, I think it's a set-up for failure! I mean, really?! What can even compare to Harry Potter?? Anything compared to something so legendary is never going to be as good as the real deal so. I don't want something that's a weak imitation of Harry Potter. So, comparisons to other popular books makes me cringe slightly.

However, I actually do like when author comparisons are made, for example: "For fans of Gillian Flynn." I see this most often on debut novels or lesser known works. Seeing this does catch my eye and makes me pick up a book that I would ordinarily pass by because I'm not familiar with the author. When I see an author comparison like that and I do like the author, I'm definitely more inclined to pick it up. I do this a lot with library books.

What are your thoughts? Please let me know in the comments, or leave me a link to your blog post if you are also participating in the meme!


  1. I agree completely with what you wrote above. If something is the next ______ It just sets the expectations way up high. I think every book wants to be unique so putting phrases like "It's the new Hunger Games" and such ruin the book for me a little. Plus, most of the time, the book that I read doesn't even feel like the book that they're supposedly similar to. It's like a cheap way to get more readers to your book.

  2. Quote: "When I see an author comparison like that and I do like the author, I'm definitely more inclined to pick it up."
    My sentiments exactly! Though I don't think I've ever bought a book because of an author comparison so far, but it makes definitely more sense than a book comparison to me. The latter is either unfair or disappointing (because I perceive Book N.2 as a copycat/less interesting because not "new").


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