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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Favourite Horror/Scary Books #TopTenTuesday

This is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, they post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers will answer. Everyone is welcome to join!

Today's list is: Favourite Horror/Scary Books. I love nothing more than a good scary story that makes me jump out of my skin while reading!

Pet Sematary by Stephen King: I read this about 25 years ago, and I absolutely loved it! The whole idea of the dead coming back to life but not quite the same, especially when it involves a child, is terrifying! It was a great scary read, and it's on my re-read list!

BoneMan's Daughters by Ted Dekker: This isn't a horror novel, but it is totally creepy because it involves a serial killer who preys on young girls and kills them by methodically breaking their bones without piercing their skin.

Shattered by Dean Koontz: This was my first read from Koontz, and then I was hooked. I find his books so terrifying because they could actually happen, since they are usually psychologically based! A man and his girlfriend's brother are driving on a road trip, and they are being followed by a psychopath. It really freaked me out!

The First Days by Rhiannon Frater: Frater made zombies terrifying for me again! From my review: "Frater had me biting my nails with anxiety! What was so scary about her zombies is that they were not slow like they are in the movies; they are fast, especially when they smell fresh meat. Furthermore, some of her zombies appear to be thinkers, who study the environment around them and try to solve the dilemma of how to gain access to buildings or escape confinement."

The Last Bastion of the Living by Rhiannon Frater: Yes, another Frater favourite! This one has a futuristic sci-fi element in addition to the zombies.

The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters: This story is not gruesome or gory, but a very eerie story told in a subtle way. Definitely creepy! 

Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake: If you are a fan of the television show "Supernatural," then you will enjoy this book! It wasn't as scary as I was hoping for, but I still enjoyed it.

The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson: It was good, but I was a bit disappointed that it didn't have the creep factor that The Little Stranger did.

The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty: I listened to this audiobook back in 2014, and I am actually re-reading it now. There is nothing more chilling than demonic possession!

'Salem's Lot by Stephen King: I'm reading this one right now, and this is shaping up to likely be another favourite horror story!

The Haunted by Bentley Little: I recently finished this one, and I really enjoyed it! As you can see, I have a thing for haunted houses!

Here are a some horror books that I have on my TBR mountain:

So, what are your favourite horror or scary books? I love getting book recommendations! Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think? Please let me know in the comments, or leave me a link to your blog post if you are also participating in the meme!


  1. Ooh these books do look very creepy! I'm not sure that I could cope with some of them. :-)

    1. I do love a good scare. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. That is a creepy cover of Salem's Lot. I haven't read Ghost Story, but I saw the movie and it was creepy. Thank you for stopping by. :)

    1. I didn't realize that Ghost Story was made into a movie! Thanks for the tip, I will check it out after I read the book. Thanks for the return visit!

  3. I'm currently reading Anna Dressed in Blood and really enjoying it, but yeah, my first thought was how much like Supernatural it is.

    My TTT

    1. Cas is a great character. I hope you are enjoying it!

  4. I actually own Pet Semetary but still haven't read it for some reason! I definitely do need to pick it up soon!

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. Oh, you must! It's sooooo creepy! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

  5. I've read Pet Semetary a few years back and now I want to re read that book again!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Catch you over @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog !

    1. Me, too! Pet Sematary was SOOOOOO GOOOD! I want to read it again.

  6. The Boneman's Daughter sounds super gross and scary! What a bizarre premise- I'm definitely going to be checking that one out!

    My TTT:

    1. It was a bizarre book, Katie. I hope you enjoy it!

  7. Horror isn't for everyone! I love a good mystery, too.


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