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Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Foodies Read 2014 Challenge

This challenge is being hosted by Vicki at I'd Rather Be Reading At The Beach!

Here are the details copied from Vicki's challenge blog, which she has created just for the challenge:
The Foodies Read 2014 Challenge

If you are new to a food/reading challenge, you may be wondering – what is a “food book”? A food book is a book which is centered around food and/or drinks. That could be a cookbook, a food biography or memoir, a non-fiction book focused around a specific food, wine, chef or restaurant, or a fictional story in which food plays a major role.

Here’s how the challenge works:
1. Decide how many food books you want to read in 2014.
Pick one of the reading levels below:

Short-Order Cook: 1 to 3 books
Pastry Chef: 4 to 8 books
Sous-Chef: 9 to 13 books
Chef de Cuisine: 14 to 18
Cordon-Bleu Chef: More than 19

2. Grab the challenge button and write a post on your blog so we can spread the word. If you want, you can also add the button to your sidebar to help get the word out that the challenge is a go for 2014.

Want to join but don't have a blog? That's fine, just post a comment below in the comments section saying so, and then post your reviews in the comment section of the corresponding tab at the top of the blog under the header.

3. After you read each book for the challenge, come back here and tell us about it. Click on the correct category for your book on the menu bar, and post the link to your review. We’ll use the same categories as last year: Cookbooks, Memoirs/Biographies, Fiction, and Nonfiction. There's also a tab for you to link up your Challenge Wrap-Up post.


The challenge runs from January 1 through December 31, 2014.
You don’t need a pre-selected list of books.
It’s okay to cross over with other challenges.
Any book format is allowed (print, audio, ebook)
If you would like to join me in the challenge, click on the challenge badge at the beginning of this post.

I am aiming for "SHORT ORDER COOK" (read 1-3 food books).

I will keep track of my progress below and link up my reviews:


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